Micromax today introduced another budget smartphone called Canvas Spark at a price of Rs 4,999. The Canvas Spark is among the few devices in the budget price range which is offering Android 5.0 Lollipop operating system. The smartphone sports a 4.7-inch qHD screen (960×540 pixels) display with Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection. It runs on a 1.3-Ghz quad-core MediaTek MT6582 processor with 1GB RAM and 8 GB storage space of which around 4.10 GB is available for use (microSD slot is available). It comes with an 8 megapixel rear camera, 2 megapixel front camera and is powered by a 2000 mAh battery. The Canvas Spark smartphone will be exclusively available on Snapdeal. The first sale will take place on April 29 and registrations for the same will be open on April 22. Specs: 4.7-inch qHD screen (960×540 pixels) display 1.3-Ghz quad-core MediaTek MT6582 CPU Android 5.0 Lollipop OS 1GB RAM 8GB ROM (microSD slot is available) 8MP rear camera with Flash 2MP front ca...